Wednesday 22 April 2015

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Black Limited Edition

If you're an old follower on my blog, you probably know how much I adore Huile Prodigieuse. It's been a part of my daily skin care routine since May 2011, so four years already - that is some serious loyalty on my part. Almost everything changed in my skin care routine, but this persisted through the years. There have been a few limited editions packaging in the past year or so and I managed to get my hands on the Eiffel Tower one, which I'm currently using. Nuxe surprised us yet again with an even more awesome packaging. The newest bottle is opaque black, a stark opposite of their usual clear ones and it looks infinitely cool, a bit mysterious and very elegant. It's kind of has the Chanel Coco Noir fragrance vibe to it, doesn't it?

The reasons why I love this oil haven't changed and this is one of those products I can hardly imagine being without (you can find my original review here. Review of the shimmery version is here). It keeps my skin super, super soft, radiant and healthy looking, aside from that I also notice that my skin heals a lot faster when I'm using this oil. My skin is combination normal, in winter combination dry and I just feel like this oil was made for me. It's a dry oil, so it actually doesn't feel that oily and it sinks in in minutes, still I wouldn't use this in the morning as a base for makeup (except if you have a very matte, heavy foundation) and I stick to using it at night after moisturizer, though sometimes I use it on its own. It's a multi-purpose oil, so I use what's left on my hair, which tends to get dry fast and this keeps it in good condition. Over the years I have got so used to the scent that I can't even detect it, but when I first got it I loved it. It's a comforting scent, a bit floral-nutty and mostly beachy. 

100 ml is priced at 31 € in our pharmacies and it's worth it because it lasts me well over a year since I need to use one spray a day for my face. The new black limited edition packaging is only available in 100 ml, but regular version also exists in 50 ml bottle, which costs about 18 €, but the packaging is a bit sucky and I much prefer the spray. If you can't find this in pharmacies, Feel Unique has them and ships worldwide.

Added to my bottle was also a Prodigieux le parfum sample, which I have been dying to try for ages. It smells exactly like the oil, but stronger, so staying power is actually very decent. I could smell myself after a few hours and I honestly didn't expect to. Top notes are orange blossom, bergamot, mandarin orange and orange; middle notes are rose, magnolia and gardenia; base notes are vanilla, coconut milk and pebbles. 

Moje navdušenje nad tem olje je na tem blogu dobro dokumentirano, saj ga redno uporabljam že štiri leta. Čeprav je večnamensko olje ga večinoma uporabljam za obraz, ker naredi mojo mešano kožo zelo mehko in zdravo, predvsem pa opažam, da se moja koža hitreje celi. O tem olju imam že štiri leta staro objavo in to še s časov ko sem blog pisala delno tudi v slovenščini, tako da če vas zanima več, je tukaj povezava do te objave. Nuxe je v zadnjih letih ustvaril kar nekaj lepih dizajnov stekleničk, sama imam tako z Eifflovim stolpom, ki mi je prekrasna, ampak z najnovejšo so pa prekosili same sebe. Nova črna steklenička izgleda tako elegantno in kar malo "Chanelovsko", ker me spominja na njihov Coco Noir parfum. Na voljo je le 100 ml verzija, kar je pravzaprav dobra stvar, ker imajo te za razliko od 50 ml stekleničk sprej. Danes sem olje videla v Leposani za 29.90 €, medtem ko je drugje dva evra dražja (31,57 eur). Ker olje uporabljam samo za obraz (en sprej na uporabo) mi steklenička zdrži več kot leto tako, da lahko upravičim višjo ceno.

Huile Prodigieuse je na voljo v lekarnah, Maxiju in v Leposani. 

Have a great day!


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