Wednesday 7 June 2023

Deline Hidratanten Tekoči Puder (Moisturising Fluid Makeup)

I know this is probably one of the most random foundations I've mentioned here - it's from a Slovene brand, it has existed for many years and yet you'll have a hard time finding it in a drugstore even here in Slovenia. Most of you probably never heard of it (or the brand. There's only this foundation and a nail polish remover), but for the price, this is surprisingly nice, especially on dry skin.

A veste, da je znamka Deliné "naša"? Proizvaja jo Ilirija, slovensko podjetje, ki ima še Subrino, Green Line, Lidero, Amai, 48,... skratka vse znamke, ki so v spletni trgovini Click2chic z izjemo Revlona, Moroccanoil, in Color Wow. V moji okolici dolgo nismo imeli Tuš Drogerije, zato sem le slišala o tem pudru na nekem naključnem forumu, ki mislim, da je celo bil srbski ali bosanski. Zaman ga boste iskali v DM-u in Műllerju, kar je škoda, ker je za majhno ceno presenetljivo dober. 

 Formula: this feels more like a tinted moisturiser or like a someone mixed a face cream with a foundation. Blending this feels weird and for a while you have a feeling this is just not going to work because it's moving too much and not really sticking on the skin properly, but then it just suddenly starts to work and melts into the skin. It's a formula that feels more suited for dry skin because it's very creamy and moisturising, however, it's not greasy nor thick. On my skin this sets to a dry-to-the-touch feeling even without powder.  

Tekstura je bolj podobna vlažilni kremi kot klasičnemu tekočemu pudru oz. je kot bi nekdo zmešal vlažilno kremo s pudrom. Od začetka se ne zabrisuje lepo, ker se stalno premika in noče ostati na mestu, potem pa kar naenkrat začne delovati ok in se zlije s kožo. Formula je bolj primerna za suho kožo, ker je precej kremna in vlažilna, ampak ni mastna in tudi ne težka. Na moji koži je suh na dotik tudi brez pudra v prahu. 

Coverage and finish: It has light-medium amount of coverage. My under eye redness is visible as are my freckles. I haven't had a spot to see how well it covers such strong redness. This looks like skin and nicely smooth. It reminds me of foundations such as Bourjois Healthy Mix and other similar formulas that don't look like foundation on the skin. Finish is satin-dewy, but on my dry skin that dewyness doesn't last, at least not on the cheeks.  

Prekrivnost je nekje med lahko in srednjo. Čez se še vedno vidi moja rdečica pod očmi, prav tako je vidna večina peg. Puder izgleda naravno in gladko na koži, spominja me na Bourjois Healthy Mix, ki je eden izmed najbolj naravnih pudrov na koži in izgleda, kot da ga ni. Zaključek je satenast do sijoč, ampak na moji suhi koži sčasoma postane skoraj mat. 

Shades: Shade range is not the best. There's only four shades and three out of those are about the same depth, so not the best variation and none are light enough for me. If you wear Revlon's 200 and 300 shades, you'll find a match for you, otherwise you're out of luck.

Izbira odtenkov je slaba. So samo štirje in še od teh so trije izjemno podobni, vsaj kar se tiče globine. Zame odtenka seveda ni, kar sicer ni presenečenje. Najbolj ustrezajo tistim, ki nosijo Revlonove odtenke, ki se začnejo z 200 in 300 (Capri) - ne vem s katerimi odtenki se primerjajo pri ostalih znamkah. 

Scent: It's moderately to heavily fragranced with a cosmetic-floral scent.

Puder zelo diši, kar mene navdušuje, vem pa, da marsikomu to ni najbolj všeč. Kot vsa ne high-end kozmetika se hitro razdiši, vsaj meni se zdi tako. Vonj je kozmetično-cvetličen. Nekako v stilu Nivee.

Packaging: A basic squeeze tube. Foundation comes in an box.

Embalaža je preprosta tuba s pokrovčkom, ki se odvije. Puder je v škatli, kjer je pa žal tudi edino kjer je napisan odtenek. Ker imam vse štiri sem si dala gor nalepke, da se ne pomešajo.

Price and availability: It's sold on Click2Chic, Tuš Drogerija and Drogerija Ilirija for about 3,53 €. I think they are in some drugstores in West Balkan. 

Na voljo je na Click2Chic, vTuš Drogeriji and Drogeriji Ilirija za okrog 3,53 €


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