Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Tips for Busy Moms to Spend Quality Time with Kids

Our little ones are the most precious gift from Almighty. Our best moments are the times we spend with them. But in today’s scenario, we seldom get any quality time to enjoy with our little ones. Earlier in joint family scenarios, things were different. Even if the parents could not give enough time, there were grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins to fill that gap. However, things are different nowadays, due to mostly our nuclear family set up. We parents have to do all the work at home, outside, office and take care of the kids simultaneously. As a result, it looks like a compulsion and we can hardly give our fullest to them, leaving us feeling incredibly guilty.

Often people think only working mothers faces this challenge, but as an at home freelancer, I can say most of my time is spent at home, but still I go through the same issue. But when there is a problem there has to be some solution. If not completely, there is no harm in trying and definitely have to when it comes to our little one.

Here are few things that I try to follow so that I can at least try my best to spend quality time with my daughter.

1. Maintain a Scheduler: This may sound quite out of focus, but believe me it is one of the best ways to achieve our goals of spending time with our kids. A pre-planned schedule of when to do chores, when to cook, when to work or when to do the grocery shopping will give ample of scope to take out time to spend with children.

2. Get them involved in chores: Try to get them involved in daily activities like folding clothes, making the bed or helping out in the kitchen by fetching items etc. This not only gives you ample of time to interact but also makes them responsible.

3. Morning & Night kissies: This may sound real funny but believe me when they get up or when they go to sleep, try to hug them, kiss them and do the sweet little talks they like to hear. This makes them feel protected and loved.

4. Do twinning activities: Kids like it when others around also become kids. Try to do twinning as much as possible. You can play peek a boo, catch me if you can, football or any such activities that they like to do. If this is not possible, twinning in the form of wearing the same kind of clothes is a great idea. Recently I have found a wonderful store where a lot of twinning your kid’s clothing options are there. Both my daughter & I love wearing a green tee and this by itself makes our moments quite enjoyable.

5. Watch movies or Read books together: I know it is always tempting to watch the recently awarded movies that may not be suitable for children. However, can’t we sacrifice a bit sometimes for our little munchkins? Instead of catching up with those films, why not turn your house into a home theatre and watch a kid’s movie together with some popcorn and lemonade? I am a movie buff, and I keep my Sunday evenings to watch a good movie, but this week I thought of involving my little one in the activity and chose to watch an animated movie for kids over some wafers and milkshakes. The way she enjoyed, her giggles and above all the value of the time she spent with me together was clearly visible in her twinkling eyes.

I know often we cannot follow each and everything as planned or scheduled but there is no harm in trying and this trial is for the good of our children. If we do a little bit thinking about how to make out time to spend with our kids, I am sure we all will be able to come up with some solution. These were my bits; please share your ideas too.


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