Monday, 21 May 2018

Its Between You and Me, Cacharel Anais Anais

When I was a teenager, I first saw you. Your beautiful white frame adorned with pretty flowers made me fall for you. Only the elders of the family had the luxury of having intimate rendezvous with you. You proudly flaunted your beauty on some special places of their room. I could see how satisfied and pleased their faces appeared  after spending time with you. 

As a junior I was not allowed to come close to you. This restriction, increased my attraction towards you. One fine day, when the elders had left for some work, I finally managed to get close to you. My heart was dancing salsa with a little fear, a little curiosity and loads of excitement. I touched your gorgeous self and opened your veil. There you were, looking at me and inviting me for more closeness. I let you come closer and closer and you were my first love.

Times have changed now. I have become busy with age and experience. And let me tell you I had come closer to a lot of beauties in these many years. But you still hold that special place in my heart. Now I have the luxury of going up, close and personal with you and a lot of other beauties. But you, my dear still reign as the Queen. Every time I tried to ignore you and get close with others, your absolutely divine beauty and aura made me come back to you again & again

What makes you so special? Is it your milky outer self, adorned with flowers? Or, is it the beautiful transparency of orange blossom and hyacinth. I guess it can be your rosy heart, blended with touches of delicate white lily and magical jasmine, or may be the spiced up soul of yours that has bits of amber and tender touch of sandalwood. Whatever it is, you are mine and always remain mine forever, close to my heart & close to me.

You are and you will be my first love forever- my Cacharel Anais Anais!!

Cacharel Anais Anais is available on at £32.89 for 30ml


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