Friday, 20 April 2018

Oriflame Nature Secrets Talc in Real Bouquet & Cooling Breeze Review

Hello everyone,
My childhood was filled with  fond memories of using body talc as a perfume, deodrant and everything in between, If you are an Indian you will relate with me about this right?? Back then a body talc was everything and even today if you are from India you would still be using body talc's after bath. While this culture seems slowly fading away I do believe in using talc's as they keep the skin fragrant clean and dry. I got my hands on the Oriflame's Nature Secrets Body Talc and will be sharing my views in this post. Please keep on reading to know more....

Oriflame Nature Secrets Talc in Real Bouquet & Cooling Breeze Review

Price: Rs.199/- for 400g (as mentioned on the box) You can buy online HERE
Oriflame is exclusively sold through Independent Oriflame consultants across India.You can locate one closest to you and purchase from them as well.


The talc comes in a huge plastic bottle and has a twister on the top to help dispense the right amount of product. All the information you need is printed on the bottle itself.The packaging is travel friendly and user friendly.

Real Bouquet smells floral and very pleasent. The smell won't give you a headache. I use it on my armpits and body post bath and the fragrance is really pleasent and long lasting not to mention they keep my underarms dry.

Oriflame Nature Secrets Talc in Real Bouquet & Cooling Breeze Review

Cooling Breeze has a very cooling breezy and aqua like scent to it. It can be used by men and women.

Oriflame Nature Secrets Talc in Real Bouquet & Cooling Breeze Review

There is a lot of debate about usage of talc in the market and how some say that it is not safe. Well I have been using talc for years and never had any issue. If I have to talk about Oriflame products they are of great quality and made with best of ingredients hence I would highly recommend you to truy them.

MLWM Rating:4.5/5

You can find all my reviews on Oriflame products HERE

I hope this post was useful and informative to all those reading. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section. Do you use a body talc??

Thanks for reading my blog.
Until next time.. Take care xoxo

P.S: Do not copy any Oriflame content from my Blog without my permission or else I would report your content.


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