Tuesday, 6 March 2018

*New Launch* Organic Harvest Happy Lips Organic Lip Balms

Hello beautifuls, hope you had a great Holi celebration. Well I missed it this time but wait, I actually enjoyed as I had been vacationing in the Andamans. It was such an exciting trip, and the more I talk about the beautiful island, the less. Anyways, let me keep that aside for a different post, and now let us concentrate on some new launches from Organic Harvest. Recently the brand has come up with their all new Organic lip balm range in 4 variants. I was sent the Green Tea High Gloss & Hibiscus Colour and they too travelled with me.

About New Organic Harvest Happy Lips Organic Lip Balm Range:
Organic Harvest has launched the all new Organic Lip Balm range. The products are globally certified and sans chemicals, developed to perfectly suit all skin type. Available in four variants – Lily Color lip balm, Lemon Lip balm with SPF, Green Tea High gloss lip balm and Hibiscus Color lip balm, these products guarantee to delight you.

Price: Rs.199

Packaging: The lip balms come in different colours, each depicting the variant it is of. The packaging is box like which can be opened by twisting it and the balm inside is roundish in shape, also coloured according to the variant.

My experience: I was really excited to see the absolutely quirky packaging of the Organic Harvest Happy Lips Organic Lip Balms. It took me a while to actually figure out how to open the balm, as I had been trying to open it by pulling. I would have appreciated if they could mention the way it can be opened. The 2 variants that I received are the:
  •  Green Tea High Gloss: This balm is highly glossy and extremely moisturizing. Interestingly the shine and gloss stays for a long time, almost as long as the lips keep moisturized.
  • HibisCus Colour Lip Balm: This balm has a very subtle red tint and is moisturizing too.

The lip balms are organic, paraben- sulphur free and made with goodness of vitamins, jojoba oil, shea butter and olive oil. I like the green tea high gloss lip gloss more as it keeps the lips moisturized for really long time, almost 8 hours. The Hibiscus colour has a very subtle tint to it, I would have liked a little vibrancy. There is no SPF mentioned on the packaging. Although the lemon variant is meant for protecting against sun as per the description. The products are fragrance-free and are sand any chemicals, which is really cool. Frankly the best feature of the new lip balms is the cute and bright packaging. Although one would always prefer a stick form for carrying around, I think Organic Harvest has done a good job in giving a brighter and smarter twist to its packaging, drifting away from the usual boring stick style yet making it equally convenient and easy to carry around.

Rating: 4.5/5

Organic Harvest Happy Lips Organic Lip Balms are a good introduction in organic beauty category. These are quite good to moisturize the lips for a long time. The Green tea high gloss one can actually be used on top of lipstick to add the extra shine. 


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