Thursday, 22 March 2018

Elaine's Beauty- Dermalogica BioSurface Peel no.3

Hello Lovelies,

Back again with another peel post for you all today! Unfortunately due to be unwell and time running away with me, I wasn't able to complete my three peels with Elaine in the optimum time usually between peels (7-10 days) but nevertheless I couldn't wait to get back to Elaine for my third Dermalogica BioSurface Facial Peel.

If you are unaware of what this is, I went through all the details in my first ever peel post HERE & then I checked in after my second peel so see how the results were this time HERE.

Did anyone else notice just how dry and dehydrated our skin became during the snow? I refuse to blame poor Storm Emma, it seems that poor girl gets the blame for everything!!

Anyway, I had booked in with Elaine on the Friday but due to the severe weather we postponed our appointment until last Monday. I knew myself that my skin was possibly in the worst condition it had been in, in a long time. Elaine could see where I was talking about when I pointed to my nose and cheek area. They were so dry, almost flaking in parts and then I also had more redness than usual. This could be down to a number of factors Elaine explained but I was certainly happy to see the back of them.

As with all of my peels, I filled out my consultation card, Elaine talked me through the whole process making sure I numbered how any sensation I was feeling. I was monitored extremely closely especially now that my skin seemed to be in a different condition to other peel occasions. Thankfully, the sensation was minimal so I was able to get through all the layers of the peel. The cooling off part of the peel is my favourite, this is what I call the bubble mask as your face feels a bit like a bowl of rice crispies popping away to itself as it cools and calms the skin. 

I could instantly see results from the peel, you have this wonderful glow about your face, like it's been cleaned to within an inch of it's life but you haven't had to hurt yourself to get that way. Also as part of your BioSurface Facial Peel in Elaine's Beauty, you get a three day take home kit. These items are the only skincare items you are allowed to use for the first three days after your peel. 

As my peel was booked into the evening slot, I didn't have to do anything to my face going to bed that night. When I woke up in the morning, I took out my kit and used the products in the correct order. If you are worried about the sounds of this after care, with your kit there is an order of how they are used on the back of the box, Elaine will also give you an aftercare sheet so you don't even have to worry about remembering everything yourself.

I have mentioned this point so many times in my blog posts on the peels but they are not anywhere near as scary as they sound, honestly! A peel goes beyond a pamper session, it's for the client who wants to see a real change in their skin. It's for the client who needs more than a facial to make their skin work for them. Again I do feel this is am important point to make, it's also for the client willing to look after their skin. The aftercare is so important so as not to damage your skin so you need to bear that in mind for the following three days. I wouldn't suggest a peel the day before a big night out if you catch my drift!

I am now booked into Elaine's Beauty for four facials before my big day. There are new facials just released since January from Dermalogica called the Pro Skin 60. I'm really excited to start these, again to boost my skin and have it in the best possibly condition for the big day.

I will of course write a full blog post on the new type of facial and also check in on my full Dermalogica face routine I have in place at the moment. I am using solely all Dermalogica products between now and the wedding on my face and following the steps Elaine gave me on how and when to use them. I will talk through in full in the blogpost.

If you have any questions on the BioSurface Facial Peel from Dermalogica, feel free to get in touch with me and if I don't know the answer I shall ask my Dermalogica Exprt, Elaine! 


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