Saturday, 9 May 2015

I Agree #MomWasAlwaysRight & Contest

I think that most of us will agree, today whatever we are, we are for our mother. Each and every small aspect of our lives have been guided and leaded by her and her teachings. So, when I look back to see what I have done and am doing, I cannot find out a single instance where my mother has not been instrumental enough, be it actively or passively.  This holds true to her advice on beauty as well. And today I can proudly say #MomWasAlwaysRight

I can write an entire book on how #MomWasAlwaysRight, but I choose to talk about 5 most important ones:

Trust on Natural Ingredients: The kitchen is your best spa, that's what mom used to tell me, and I remember how her haldi chandan uptans for the body, milk as facial cleanser, and a wonderful face mask, made our of flour, honey, oil and rose water always used to be ready whenever I had a stage show or dance performance. Although I don't get time to indulge in so mnay natural remedies, I still use milk as a cleanser time and now, and thanks to my mom, I have pretty clear and soft skin.

Do Not Drink Aerated Drinks: I had a love for cola flavoured drinks, and whenever I used to ask my mother for one, she instantly gave me home made lassi or fruit juices. At that time I really used to get upset, but now I understand how she was right, in not making any aerated drink a part of my life.  

Eat your Vegetables: As a Bengali, I am drawn more towards non-vegetarian food. I have seen a tendency in many of my friends that they cannot eat their food without any non-veg item. My mother used to prepare dishes mostly with vegetables and pulses, and although at that time I cribbed for some chicken or shrimp delicacies, I now realize what a nice thing she has inbuilt in me. Eating lots of vegetables is still a part of my regime, and perhaps, this is the reason for my not so problematic complexion.

Do Not Stand in The Sun: This is one of the most important advice I got from my mother. She use to tell me, until and unless it is very necessary, it is best to avoid direct sun exposure, specially, during peak hours. It is not always possible to follow, but I have learnt from her, that how taking precautionary measures , like carrying umbrella or sun glasses can be of help. Probably due to this, till date I have not faced any major skin related issues.

Oil Your Hair: I am sure this has been told by almost all the mothers. I remember how every night she used to oil my hair before plaiting. When I left my home for higher studies, she made it a point to remind me to oil my hair. Frankly, this is the advice I had taken very lightly and am suffering now. 

Here are a very few of the things that #MomWasAlwaysRight about.

Write in the comments section below on how your #MomWasAlwaysRight and win an exciting hamper from Parachute Advansed Aromatherapy Hair Oil.


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